「1983年」は英語で “1983” と書きます。“1983” は nineteen eighty-three と読みます。
「1983年」は英語で “1983” と書きます。“1983” は nineteen eighty-three と読みます。
I was born in 1983.
1980 = nineteen eighty
1981 = nineteen eighty-one
1982 = nineteen eighty-two
1983 = nineteen eighty-three
1984 = nineteen eighty-four
1985 = nineteen eighty-five
1986 = nineteen eighty-six
1987 = nineteen eighty-seven
1988 = nineteen eighty-eight
1989 = nineteen eighty-nine
1990 = nineteen ninety
1991 = nineteen ninety-one
1992 = nineteen ninety-two
1993 = nineteen ninety-three
1994 = nineteen ninety-four
1995 = nineteen ninety-five
1996 = nineteen ninety-six
1997 = nineteen ninety-seven
1998 = nineteen ninety-eight
1999 = nineteen ninety-nine
2000 = two thousand
2001 = two thousand and one
2002 = two thousand and two
2003 = two thousand and three
2004 = two thousand and four
2005 = two thousand and five
2006 = two thousand and six
2007 = two thousand and seven
2008 = two thousand and eight
2009 = two thousand and nine
2010 = two thousand and ten
2011 = two thousand and eleven
2012 = two thousand and twelve
2013 = two thousand and thirteen
2014 = two thousand and fourteen
2015 = two thousand and fifteen
2016 = two thousand and sixteen
2017 = two thousand and seventeen
2018 = two thousand and eighteen
2019 = two thousand and nineteen
2020 = twenty twenty
2021 = twenty twenty-one
2022 = twenty twenty-two
2023 = twenty twenty-three
2024 = twenty twenty-four
2025 = twenty twenty-five
2026 = twenty twenty-six
2027 = twenty twenty-seven
2028 = twenty twenty-eight
2029 = twenty twenty-nine
2030 = twenty thirty

「1983年」は英語で “1983” と書きます。“1983” は nineteen eighty-three と読みます。では、「1983年」に関連する英語フレーズをいくつか見ていきましょう。
“Time is money.”
Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン・フランクリン)
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell(ジョージ・オーウェル)
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Jim Rohn(ジム・ローン)