ご紹介する名言につきましては、BrainyQuote というアメリカのサイトに記載されているものをGoogleの書籍検索にかけ、それが英語圏の複数の書籍で使用されていることを確認の上、その人物の言葉として記事に掲載しております。古い人物の言葉ですとそれが本当にその人物の言葉なのか確認が難しい場合もございますが、複数の書籍で使用されている言葉であれば、それがその人物の考えを反映した言葉であると判断できるのではないかという考えのもと記事を執筆しております。
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“The earth laughs in flowers.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“The first wealth is health.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“A great man is always willing to be little.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“When it is dark enough you can see the stars.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Always do what you are afraid to do.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“To be great is to be misunderstood.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Every artist was first an amateur.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“It is not length of life, but depth of life.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Every wall is a door.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Before we acquire great power we must acquire wisdom to use it well.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew … it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)
“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson(ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン)